The Demosponges group includes the majority of sponge species (more than 80%). They have the particularity of having a skeleton (when present) composed of siliceous spicules and / or spongine. Porifers are marine and freshwater animals which filter water for food. Their surface is pierced with a multitude of small pores through which water enters, and fewer and wider openings, the oscules, through which water is drained (hence their name Porifère: from the Greek por- = passage).
Oscarella lobularisBlue oscarella
Aplysilla rubraRed oscarella
Oscarella tuberculataYellow greenish oscarella
Corticium candelabrumCandlestick sponge
Plakina monolophaCauliflower sponge
Thymosia guerneiMashed potato sponge
Chondrosia reniformisKidney sponge
Aplysina aerophobaYellow tube sponge
Aplysina cavernicolaYellow cave-sponge
Hexadella pruvotiGolden fibrous sponge
Hexadella racovitzaiPink fibrous sponge
Aplysilla roseaPink aplysilla
Aplysilla sulfureaYellow aplysilla
Dysidea avaraink goosebump sponge
Dysidea fragilisGoosebump sponge
Dysidea pallescensPale goosebump sponge
Pleraplysilla spiniferaWhite spiny sponge
Ircinia orosGrey leather sponge
Ircinia variabilisVariable loggerhead sponge
Sarcotragus fasciculatusStinker sponge
Sarcotragus foetidusBlack sponge
Spongia (Spongia) lamellaElephant ear
Scalarispongia scalarisLeather sponge
Dendroxea lenisGrey velvet sponge
Haliclona (Gellius) fibulataPink encrusting Haliclona
Haliclona (Halichoclona) fistulosaFinger-shaped Haliclona
Haliclona (Halichoclona) fulvaOrange encrusting haliclona
Haliclona (Haliclona) oculataMermaid's glove sponge
Haliclona (Haliclona) simulansIron pipes sponge
Haliclona (Reniera) cinereaAsh sponge
Haliclona (Reniera) mediterraneaPink tube sponge
Haliclona (Rhizoniera) viscosaVolcano sponge
Haliclona (Soestella) xenaPurplish tube sponge
Petrosia (Petrosia) ficiformisStony sponge
Axinella damicornisCrumpled duster sponge
Axinella dissimilisYellow staghorn sponge
Axinella flustraAxinella flustra
Axinella polypoidesCommon antlers sponge
Axinella verrucosaMediterranean mermaid's glove
Axinella infundibuliformisPrawn cracker sponge
Phakellia ventilabrumChalice sponge
Hymeraphia stelliferaStar horny sponge
Raspaciona aculeataRed hispid sponge
Raspailia (Clathriodendron) hispidaBranched hispid sponge
Raspailia (Parasyringella) agnataAntler sponge
Raspailia (Raspailia) ramosaChocolate finger sponge
Stelligera montaguiStelligera montagui
Acanthella acutaCactus sponge
Dictyonella incisaDictyonella incisa
Dercitus (dercitus) bucklandiBlack tar sponge
Pachymatisma johnstoniaElephant's hide sponge
Agelas oroidesLeathery gold sponge
Polymastia agglutinansPolymastia agglutinans
Polymastia boletiformisYellow hedgehog sponge
Polymastia penicillusChimney sponge
Lycopodina hypogeaCarnivorous sponge
Celtodoryx ciocalyptoidesGirard's yellow sponge
Crambe crambeRed encrusting sponge
Crambe taillieziTailliez's sponge
Crella (Crella) elegansSlender Crella
Crella (Grayella) pulvinarYellow crater sponge
Crella (Yvesia) roseaRosy horny sponge
Desmacidon fruticosumDesmacidon fruticosum
Amphilectus fucorumShredded carrot sponge
Ulosa digitataUlosa digitata
Hemimycale columellaCrater sponge
Hemimycale mediterraneaMediterranean crater-sponge
Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) paupertasBlue crater sponge
Hymedesmia (Stylopus) primitivarown crater sponge
Phorbas fictitiusRed crater sponge
Phorbas plumosusFeather crater sponge
Phorbas tenaciorBluish crater sponge
Artemisina transiensMushroom sponge
Mycale (Aegogropila) contareniiMycale (Aegogropila) contarenii
Mycale (Aegogropila) rotalisMycale (Aegogropila) rotalis
Mycale (Carmia) subclavataMycale (Carmia) subclavata
Mycale (Mycale) linguaSheep's tongue sponge
Myxilla (Myxilla) fimbriataOrange fibrous horny sponge
Myxilla (Myxilla) incrustansYellow lobed sponge
Myxilla (Myxilla) rosaceaPink myxilla
Tedania (Tedania) urgorriiYellow tube sponge
Tedania (Tedania) pilarriosaeOrange cushion sponge
Cliona celataYellow boring sponge
Cliona schmidtiiPurplish boring sponge
Cliona viridisGreen boring sponge
Pione vastificaOrange boring sponge
Diplastrella bistellataConstellate sponge
Spirastrella cunctatrixOrange vented sponge
Adreus fascicularisAdreus
Tethya aurantiumOrange golfball sponge
Tethya citrinaGolfball sponge
Axinyssa aurantiacaNugget sponge
Ciocalypta penicillusCored chimney sponge
Halichondria (Halichondria) paniceaBread-crumb sponge
Hymeniacidon perlevisHymeniacidon perlevis
Aaptos papillataPink tit-sponge
Homaxinella subdolaYellow winding sponge
Protosuberites denhartogiBarnacles' yellow sponge
Protosuberites incrustansProtosuberites incrustans
Suberites carnosusFleshy horny sponge
Suberites domunculaHermit crab sponge
Suberites ficusSulphur sponge
Suberites massaMassive suberites
Terpios gelatinosusBlue encrusting sponge
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