Title of the site : Mer et littoral
Nature of the website : Associative site
Declaration to the Commission nationale informatique et libertés (CNIL) : number n°1069246
Name of association : Mer et littoral
SIRET identifier : 479 758 781 00021
Legal category : 9220 registered Association (Association law 1901)
APE : 9104Z Management of botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves
Address : 57 hameau de Cadol, 29140 Melgven, France
Contact : via the form on the contact page
Publication director (name of association president) : Wilfried Bay-Nouailhat
Host : OVH
Company name : SAS with capital of € 10,069,020
Headquarters address : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
OVH company legal page : https://www.ovh.com/fr/support/mentions-legales/
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© Mer et littoral 2004-2025 - All rights reserved
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