Peltodoris atromaculataDotted seaslug
Pelvetia canaliculataChannel Wrack
Penicillus capitatusBrush seaweed
Pennaria distichaFeather hydroid
Pennatula phosphoreaPhosphorescent sea pen
Pentapora fascialisRoss coral
Pentapora foliaceaPotato crisp bryozoan
Perforatus perforatusPerforated barnacle
Periclimenes aegyliosBig-V shrimp
Periclimenes amethysteusAmethyst shrimp
Periclimenes sagittiferSnakelocks anemone shrimp
Periclimenes scriptusCrystal prawn
Perophora japonicaJapanese perophora
Perophora listeriPerophora
Petrosia (Petrosia) ficiformisStony sponge
Peyssonnelia squamariaScaly Peyssonnelia
Phakellia ventilabrumChalice sponge
Phallusia fumigataBlack sea squirt
Phallusia mammillataWhite sea-squirt
Philocheras fasciatusBlack-headed shrimp
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