Haminoea exiguaBubble snail
Hancockia uncinataHooked sea slug
Harmothoe extenuataPale scale worm
Hediste diversicolorRagworm
Hemibdella soleaeSole's leech
Hemimycale columellaCrater sponge
Hemimycale mediterraneaMediterranean crater-sponge
Henricia oculataBloody Henry
Hermaea bifidaHermae
Hermaea variopictaMulticolor Hermae
Hermodice carunculataGreen fireworm
Hesione splendidaLeopard worm
Hexadella pruvotiGolden fibrous sponge
Hexadella racovitzaiPink fibrous sponge
Hexaplex trunculusTrunk murex
Hiatella arcticaWrinkled rock borer
Himanthalia elongataThong weed
Hippocampus guttulatusLong-snouted seahorse
Hippolyte variansChameleon prawn
Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosaTubular sea cucumber
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