Anthozoa live fixed and do not have a jellyfish phase. Some secrete a calcareous (corals) or horny (gorgonians) skeleton. They are divided into: Octocorals, whose polyps have 8 tentacles (alcyons, gorgonians and sea feathers). Hexacorallia, whose polyps have 6 or a multiple of 6 tentacles (sea anemones and corals). Cnidarians have a single orifice, the mouth, which is surrounded by tentacles. They are radially symmetrical animals. They are characterized by the presence of stinging cells, cnidoblasts, which allow them to neutralize their prey, hence their name (from the Greek cnid- = nettle).
Cornularia cornucopiaeCornucopic coral
Clavularia crassaFilthy coral
Sarcodictyon catenatumPink sarcodictyon
Alcyonium acauleSea-finger
Alcyonium coralloidesEncrusting leather coral
Alcyonium digitatumDead man's fingers
Alcyonium glomeratumRed sea fingers
Alcyonium hibernicumPink soft coral
Alcyonium palmatumMediterranean sea-fingers
Maasella edwardsiiBrown soft coral
Paralcyonium spinulosumSpiny soft coral
Eunicella cavoliniYellow sea fan
Eunicella gazellaGazelle sea fan
Eunicella singularisWhite sea fan
Eunicella verrucosaPink sea fan
Leptogorgia lusitanicaGalician sea fan
Leptogorgia sarmentosaOrange sea fan
Spinimuricea atlanticaSlender sea fan
Paramuricea clavataChameleon sea fan
Paramuricea grayiGray's sea fan
Callistephanus pallidaNorthern sea fan
Corallium rubrumRed coral
Veretillum cynomoriumRound sea pen
Pennatula phosphoreaPhosphorescent sea pen
Pteroeides griseumSpiny sea-pen
Virgularia mirabilisSlender sea pen
Antipathella subpinnataBlack coral
Arachnanthus oligopodusBanded tube anemone
Synarachnactis lloydiiBurrowing tube anemone
Cerianthus membranaceusMediterranean tube anemone
Pachycerianthus solitariusLong-stalk tube anemone
Epizoanthus couchiiSandy creeplet
Savalia savagliaBushy crust coral
Isozoanthus sulcatusGinger tiny anemone
Parazoanthus anguicomusWhite cluster anemone
Parazoanthus axinellaeYellow cluster anemone
Actinia equinaBeadlet anémone
Actinia fragaceaStrawberry anemone
Anemonia viridisSnakelocks anemone
Anthopleura balliiRed speckled anemone
Anthopleura biscayensisBloody anemone
Bunodactis verrucosaGem anemone
Cribrinopsis crassaFat anemone
Paranemonia cinereaGrass crack anemone
Urticina felinaDahlia anemone
Exaiptasia diaphanaPale anemone
Aiptasia mutabilisTrumpet anemone
Aiptasiogeton hyalinusPink tiny anemone
Alicia mirabilisWonder anemone
Capnea sanguineaImperial anemone
Bunodeopsis strumosaWarty dwarf anemone
Diadumene cinctaOrange anemone
Diadumene lineataOrange-striped green anemone
Edwardsia claparediiWhite spotted worm anemone
Edwardsiella carneaPink worm anemone
Scolanthus callimorphusPen worm anemone
Anemonactis mazeliFat finger anemone
Peachia cylindricaClock face anemone
Adamsia palliataCloak anemone
Amphianthus dohrniiSea fan anemone
Calliactis parasiticaParasitic anemone
Cataphellia brodriciiBrodrici's anemone
Hormathia coronataCrown anemone
Telmatactis forskaliiForskal's anemone
Metridium senilePlumose anemone
Phymanthus pulcherFair anemone
Actinothoe sphyrodetaWhite-striped anemone
Cereus pedunculatusDaisy anemone
Cylista elegansElegant anemone
Cylista elegans aurantiacaOrange elegant anemone
Cylista elegans miniataRed elegant anemone
Cylista elegans niveaWhite elegant anemone
Cylista elegans roseaPink elegant anemone
Cylista troglodytesMud sagartia
Sagartia undataSagartiogeton
Madracis pharensisStar coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) inornataSouthern cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithiiDevonshire cup coral
Cladocora caespitosaPillow coral
Hoplangia durotrixWeymouth carpet coral
Paracyathus pulchellusPapillose cup coral
Polycyathus muelleraeBrown cup coral
Balanophyllia (Balanophyllia) europaeaPig-tooth coral
Balanophyllia (Balanophyllia) regiaScarlet and gold star coral
Dendrophyllia cornigeraYellow tree coral
Leptopsammia pruvotiSunset cup coral
Corynactis viridisJewel anemone
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