Prosobranchs are gastropod molluscs that have a spiral outer shell and have the common characteristic of having gills at the front of the heart. Molluscs are soft-bodied animals (from the Latin mollis = soft), generally protected by a shell which can be simple, with plates or with two valves. They have gills or lungs and a muscular foot, transformed in cephalopods into tentacles.
Onchidella celticaCeltic sea slug
Haliotis tuberculataOrmer, abalone
Diodora graecaGreek keyhole limpet
Patella ulyssiponensisRough limpet
Patella vulgataCommon limpet
Patella pellucidaBlue-rayed limpet
Calliostoma laugieriLaugier's topshell
Calliostoma zizyphinumPainted topshell
Steromphala cinerariaGrey topshell
Gibbula magusTurban topshell
Steromphala umbilicalisFlat topshell
Jujubinus exasperatusRough top shell
Phorcus turbinatusThick topshell
Bolma rugosaRough star shell
Tricolia pullusPheasant shell
Lacuna parvaSmall chink snail
Lacuna vinctaBanded chink shell
Littorina obtusataCommon flat periwinkle
Onoba semicostataSemi-ribbed spire snail
Rissoa parvaTiny risso snail
Bittium reticulatumNeedle whelk
Turritellinella tricarinataAuger shell, tower shell
Thylacodes arenariusGiant worm shell
Aporrhais pespelecaniCommon pelican’s foot
Calyptraea chinensisChinese hat
Crepidula fornicataAmerican slipper limpet
Luria luridaBrown cowry
Naria spurcaDirty cowry
Simnia speltaCave ovula
Simnia patulaOpen simnia
Trivia arcticaUnspotted cowrie
Trivia monachaSpotted cowrie
Lamellaria latensConcealed lamellaria
Lamellaria perspicuaTransparent lamellaria
Euspira catenaNecklace shell
Euspira nitidaAlder's necklace shell
Charonia lampasKnobbed triton
Melanella politaMelanella
Epitonium clathrusCommon wentletrap
Turbonilla lacteaMilky pyramidsnail
Gibberula miliariaMillet topsnailt
Hexaplex trunculusTrunk murex
Nucella lapillusDog whelk
Ocenebra erinaceusEuropean sting winkle
Stramonita haemastomaRed-mouthed rock shell
Buccinum undatumEdible European whelk
Euthria corneaHorn whelk
Tritia incrassataThick-lipped dog whelk
Tritia reticulataNetted nassa
Tritia varicosaSmall dog whelk
Pusia tricolorTricolor shell
Haedropleura septangularisAngular winckle shell
Leufroyia concinnaRegular raphitoma
Raphitoma purpureaPurple raphitoma
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