Bivalves or lamellibranchs are molluscs that have an outer shell with two articulated valves and gills in the form of lamellae. Molluscs are soft-bodied animals (from the Latin mollis = soft), generally protected by a shell which can be simple, with plates or with two valves. They have gills or lungs and a muscular foot, transformed in cephalopods into tentacles.
Lithophaga lithophagaLithophaga
Modiolus barbatusBearded horse mussel
Mytilus edulisCommon mussel
Mytilus galloprovincialisMediterranean mussel
Arca noaeNoah's ark shell
Barbatia barbataBearded ark
Striarca lacteaMilky-white ark
Pteria hirundoWing oyster
Pinna nobilisLarge fan-mussel
Pinna rudisRough penshell
Lima limaSpiny lima
Limaria hiansGaping fileclam
Limaria tuberculataInflated lima
Magallana gigasPortuguese oyster
Ostrea edulisEuropean flat oyster
Aequipecten opercularisQueen scallop
Mimachlamys variaVariegated scallop
Pecten maximusScallop
Spondylus gaederopusThorny oyster
Anomia ephippiumSaddle oyster
Pododesmus patelliformisRibbed saddle oyster
Galeomma turtoniTurton's weasel-eye
Pseudopythina macandrewiMacAndrew's kellia
Acanthocardia echinataPrickly cockle
Acanthocardia tuberculataTuberculate cockle
Cerastoderma eduleCommon cockle
Laevicardium crassumNorway cockle
Lutraria lutrariaCommon otter shell
Donacilla corneaDonacilla
Ensis magnusArched razor shell
Gari depressaLarge sunset shell
Gari fervensisFaroe sunset shell
Abra albaWhite furrow shell
Arctica islandicaIcelandic cyprine
Clausinella fasciataBanded venus
Dosinia exoletaRayed artemis
Ruditapes decussatusChequered carpet shell
Venus casinaSmooth venus
Venus verrucosaWarty venus
Hiatella arcticaWrinkled rock borer
Lyonsia norwegicaSymetric pandora
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