Ulva lactucaSea lettuce
Umbonula ovicellataOvicellate encrusting bryozoan
Umbraculum umbraculumAtlantic umbrella slug
Undaria pinnatifidaWakame
Upogebia deltauraBuffalo shrimp
Upogebia stellataStarry sand shrimp
Uranoscopus scaberStargazer
Urticina felinaDahlia anemone
Velella velellaBy-the-wind sailor
Venus casinaSmooth venus
Venus verrucosaWarty venus
Veretillum cynomoriumRound sea pen
Verruca stroemiaPalited barnacle
Virgularia mirabilisSlender sea pen
Walkeria tuberosaPompon bryozoan
Watersipora subatraBicolour encrusting bryozoan
Xantho hydrophilusWrinkled xanthid crab
Xyrichtys novaculaPearly razorfish
Yungia aurantiacaOrange flatworm
Zanclea giancarloiGiancarlo's hydroid
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