Aegires punctilucensBlue-spotted sea slug
Aeolidia papillosaCommon grey sea slug
Aeolidiella alderiAlder's sea slug
Aeolidiella sanguineaBloody aeolid
Aequipecten opercularisQueen scallop
Aequorea forskaleaMany-ribbed jellyfish
Aequorea vitrinaCrystal jellyfish
Aetea anguinaSnake's head coralline
Agelas oroidesLeathery gold sponge
Aglaophenia kirchenpaueriSlender feather hydroid
Aglaophenia plumaSea oak feather
Aglaophenia tubuliferaFalse Indian feathers hydroid
Aidablennius sphynxSphynx blenny
Aiptasia mutabilisTrumpet anemone
Aiptasiogeton hyalinusPink tiny anemone
Alcyonidium gelatinosumGelatinous bryozoan
Alcyonium acauleSea-finger
Alcyonium coralloidesEncrusting leather coral
Alcyonium digitatumDead man's fingers
Alcyonium glomeratumRed sea fingers
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