Bryozoans are filter feeders living in more or less calcified colonies of encrusting, bushy or erect forms. They live mainly in marine environment, some species live in fresh water. Bryozoans are animals composed of an outer cuticle and squeleton, the cystid, and a fleshy body, the polypid. This one carries a crown of tentacles called lophophore which surrounds the mouth. The U-shaped intestine opens outside the lophophore. (from the Greek bryon = moss).
Crisia aculeataSharp Crisia
Crisia ramosaBranched Crisia
Frondipora verrucosaWarty leaf-bryozoan
Disporella hispidaBristly disporella
Patinella radiataRadiate bryozoan
Diplosolen obeliumSpiny Diplosolen
Plagioecia patinaPlate Plagioecia
Exidmonea atlanticaWhite palm bryozoan
Tubulipora plumosaFeathery tubulipora
Alcyonidium gelatinosumGelatinous bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispidaFury bryozoan
Walkeria tuberosaPompon bryozoan
Amathia pustulosaPustular bryozoan
Amathia verticillataSpaghetti bryozoan
Aetea anguinaSnake's head coralline
Adeonella calvetiCalvet's adeonella
Reptadeonella violaceaPurple encrusting bryozoan
Beania cylindricaCylindric beania
Beania magellanicaCrosslinked beania
Bicellariella ciliataFurry bryozoan
Bugula neritinaBrown bugula
Bugulina angustilobaBushy bugula
Bugulina calathusParasol bugula
Bugulina turbinataSpiral bugula
Crisularia plumosaPlumose coralline
Caberea boryiWhip-bearing bryozoan
Cradoscrupocellaria reptansCreeping scrupocellaria
Scrupocellaria scruposaRough scrupocellaria
Savignyella lafontiiHorsehair-ball bryozoan
Cellaria sinuosaSinuous cellaria
Cellepora pumicosaOrange pumice bryozoan
Omalosecosa ramulosaRameous bryozoan
Turbicellepora avicularisHorned turbicellepora
Dentiporella sardonicaElk horn bryozoan
Reteporella grimaldiiNeptunes' lace
Chartella papyraceaSmall hornwrack
Chartella tenellaDelicate hornwrack
Flustra foliaceaHornwrack
Chorizopora brongniartiiBrogniart's bryozoan
Porella compressaStags horn bryozoan
Oshurkovia littoralisCoastal encrusting bryozoan
Umbonula ovicellataOvicellate encrusting bryozoan
Chlidonia pyriformisWitch-finger bryozoan
Cryptosula pallasianaCryptosula
Margaretta cereoidesColumnar-cactus bryozoan
Microporella verrucosaLight brown false coral
Myriapora truncataFalse coral
Schizobrachiella sanguineaBlood-red encrusting bryozoan
Schizomavella (Schizomavella) mamillataHilly encrusting bryozoan
Schizomavella (Schizomavella) sarniensisRed encrusting bryozoan
Schizoporella errataBrown schizoporella
Schizoporella unicornisSingle horn bryozoan
Pentapora fascialisRoss coral
Pentapora foliaceaPotato crisp bryozoan
Watersipora subatraBicolour encrusting bryozoan
Electra pilosaFrosty sea mat
Electra posidoniaeNeptune grass sea mat
Membranipora membranaceaSea-mat
Scruparia chelataClawed bryozoan
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